,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,''(enchant:?passage,(text-colour:black)+(text-size:0.75)+(background:(hsl:0,1,0.8941,0.4)))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#006400)+(text-style:'outline'))(text-style:"outline","expand","rumble")[Screeeeeech]! You hear tires scrape across the pavement as a car comes to an abrupt (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"stop.")[=
You look out your bedroom (text-colour:white)+(background:cyan)[window] to see who it is. To your (text-style:"wavy-underline")[excitement], it’s your best friend Emily parking her Ford F-150 in front of your house. You and Emily have been best friends since the third grade when she first moved to town. In high school, the two of you began to(text-style:"blur","expand")[ drift apart] simply due to differing interests. But you reconnected over a summer spent together at the (background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.4976,#1919e6,0.8628,#e5e619))[beach].Your other friends, Will and James, are already in the truck with her. They (text-style:"smear","fidget")[wave] at you to come out to the car. Will is the sweetest, most charismatic guy you will ever meet. He can be (text-colour:(hsl:210,0.1667,0.9529,0.55))+(background:black)[bold], and sometimes a little annoying, but you still love spending time with him. James used to be the star of the town. He was the captain of the hockey team in high school and saying that hockey is a big deal in this town is an understatement. James can be really funny, and he definitely is not afraid to say what’s on his mind.
You think he might have a thing for Emily, but that is yet to be (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"confirmed.")[=
(align:'==><===')[The four of you have been planning a camping trip together since September and now it’s the week of (background:(gradient: 0, 0.1515,#e61919,0.3319,#e5e619,0.5061,#e68019,0.6526,#e5e619,0.884,#e61919))[Thanksgiving]. This is it! You’re finally going! You take your bags and camping equipment out to the truck]
and hop in the back seat next to James and his dog, (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"Fergus.")[=
(background:(gradient: 0, 0.4734,(hsl:0,0.8558,0.5922,0.65),1,#ffffff))[<center>[[CONTINUE...IF YOU DARE...]]</center>]]''(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.70))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:orange)+(background:green)+(text-style:'smear'))(align:'=><=')[With Emily driving, and all the gear in the back of the truck, the four of you get on the road and are on your way. It’s supposed to be about a 6-hour drive, so you won’t get there until after (text-style:"smear")[(text-colour:(hsl:210,0.1667,0.9529,0.55))+(background:black)[dark]],]
especially since Will has to stop and use the (text-colour:(hsl:61,1,0.5,0.55))[(text-style:"blur","expand","fidget")[bathroom]] every (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"hour...")[=
(align:'=><===')[You have about an hour left in your drive and the (text-colour:(hsl:0,0.8039,0.5,0.55))+(background:#fbff00)[sun] has already set. The area that you’re driving through is all extremely ''thick'' (text-colour:(hsl:133,0.4557,0.3098,0.55))[forest], and the road is very (text-rotate-x:347)+(text-rotate-y:17)+(text-rotate-z:352)[twisted and winding.]]
Suddenly, (text-style:"wavy-underline","outline","expand","mirror","blink")[lightning] strikes the road just in front of the truck and all four of you (text-style:"shudder")[scream] with (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"terror.")[=
(align:'===><=')[Emily stops for a second to catch her breath, and then continues down the road with (text-style:"fade-in-out")[caution]. The storm continues to grow worse and worse, with the rain coming down hard and the wind (text-style:"sway")[whipping]. You can even feel it blowing the car back and forth.]
Things start to get so bad that Emily pulls the truck over to the side of the road and asks to group what they want to (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"do.")[=
The options are either to sit on the side of the road for a bit and hope that the storm calms down, or you can keep driving and hope the storm lets (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"up.")[=
[(text-colour:#c2255c)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#099268,0,#099268,0,#2b8a3e,0,#888888,0.0034,#888888,0.0034,(hsl:0,0,1,0.4),0.4972,#2b8a3e,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5015,#2f9e44))[<center>[[KEEP GOING...]]</center>]]
[(text-colour:#c2255c)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#099268,0,#099268,0,#2b8a3e,0,#888888,0.0034,#888888,0.0034,(hsl:0,0,1,0.4),0.4972,#2b8a3e,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5015,#2f9e44))[<center>[[PULL OVER & WAIT...]]</center>]](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.75))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:orange)+(text-style:'shadow'))(align:'=><==')[After much discussion, the group has decided that they want to (text-style:"smear","blink")[continue] down the road]
and try to reach the (text-colour:orange)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.5,#000000,1,#e68019))[camp site] sooner rather than (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"later.")[=
(align:'===><=')[The weather just might be in your favor, as the storm has started to lighten up. But then, out of absolute nowhere, (text-style:"wavy-underline")[''a massive elk appears in the middle of the road''],]
you have about (text-style:"blur","blink")[seven seconds] to (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"react.")[=
(align:'=><===')[Emily (text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","expand","shudder")[swerves] around the elk, but to know where you’ve ended up,]
you must know what you (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"saw.")[=
[(text-colour:#3701b7)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#7f19e6,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,1,#ffffff))[<center>[[ELK WITH GIGANTIC FANGS & SIX LEGS...]]</center>]
[(text-colour:#3701b7)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#7f19e6,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,1,#ffffff))[<center>[[ELK WITH BRIGHT RED GLOWING EYES...]]</center>](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.75))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:orange)+(text-style:'shadow'))(align:'=><==')[It’s getting (text-style:"double-underline")[way] too dangerous to drive anyway. Emily pulls the truck off to the side of the road a good bit. The truck is covered by thick layers of (text-colour:#7b4747)[branches] and (text-colour:#477b4a)[trees], so the rain isn’t coming down as (text-style:"blur","condense")[hard] as it was on the road.]
The wind is (text-style:"smear","expand","sway")[howling] like (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"crazy.")[=
(align:'==><=')[Suddenly, you all hear a loud creaking sound coming from outside the car...]
there it is (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"again!")[=
(align:'=><====')[(text-style:"expand","shudder")+(text-style:"underline")[''[CRASH]'']! Everyone shrieks with terror. A tree has fallen next to the truck,]
missing it by only a couple of (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"feet.")[=
(text-style:"double-underline","expand","shudder")[''SLAM'']! Another one falls right in front of the truck blocking it (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"in.")[=
(align:'=><=')[“There’s no way we can get back on the road now!”, cries James. “Ok”, Will shouts over the (text-style:"blur","fidget")[rustling wind]. “Everyone try to stay calm. We are blocked in by these trees and they’re (text-style:"sway")[falling] all around us.]
We can either stay here in the truck until the storm calms down and hope we don’t get crushed by one of these massive trees, or we could try to make a run for it and find some other shelter in the (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"forest.")[=
(align:'===><=')[“''Neither of those are really great options''”, you add,]
“but let’s decide...(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"FAST!")[=
[(text-colour:#3701b7)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#7f19e6,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,1,#ffffff))[<center>[[STAY IN THE CAR]]</center>]]
[(text-colour:#3701b7)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#7f19e6,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,1,#ffffff))[<center>[[MAKE A RUN FOR IT]]</center>]](enchant:?link,(text-colour:orange)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'=><=')[“''WHOA WHOA WHOA!''”, shouted Will, as Emily (text-style:"wavy-underline","sway")[swerved] to the right of the Elk, right off the side of the road.]
(align:'===><=')[“Did anyone else see that things (text-style:"blink")[eyes]?!?”, you ask in a (text-style:"emboss","shudder")[panic] after the truck had come to a stop. “They were (text-colour:#f00)[(text-style:"smear","expand","blink")[Bright Red]]!”]
Emily looked back for just a second to see what you were talking about, but it was gone... like it had (text-style:"fade-in-out")[vanished] into thin (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"air!")[=
“Maybe that was a sign for us to stop”, you (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"utter.")[=
[(text-colour:#ffd43b)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#888888,0,#1919e6,0.4968,#4263eb,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.7969,#1919e6,1,#888888,1,(hsl:162,0.7238,0.6451,0.5)))[<center>[[WHAT SHOULD YOU DO NOW??]]</center>]](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.70))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#fffb00)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'===><=')[Will and James decide to go try and talk to what they think is a person, while you and Emily stay at the (text-colour:orange)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.5,#000000,1,#e68019))[camp site].]
The two of you keep an (text-style:"expand","blink")[eye] on them from a (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"far.")[=
[In a completely unexpected motion, you watch the figure (text-style:"buoy")[pick something up] and (text-style:"wavy-underline","emboss","shudder")[hit James] with it, and Will right after. They are both lying on the ground, out cold. You and Emily (text-style:"wavy-underline","superscript","sway")[run] towards them. The next second, the figure (text-style:"wavy-underline","blur","expand","buoy")[vanishes] into thin air.]
He must’ve taken Will and James with him because they aren’t on the ground (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"anymore.")[=
(align:'=><=')[You look around to see if you can find them, but as you’re looking, you’re suddenly reunited with Will and James.]
Whatever that thing was must’ve decided to bring you (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"along.")[=
(align:'=><==')[''“Oh no! Where’s Emily?!?”'' you think in a (text-style:"wavy-underline","rumble")[panic]. ''“She’s all by herself, and she has no idea where we are and...”'',]
but you are (text-style:"condense","fade-in-out")[interrupted] by the (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"figure.")[=
(align:'===><==')[It has just entered the...wait a second...you just realized that you’re in cave where, somehow, there is a river of water (text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","sway")[flowing] above your heads. The river is (text-style:"shadow")[glowing] and is currently the only (text-style:"smear")[(text-colour:#ff0)[light source]] in this cave, so you can’t make out what this thing that just entered the cave is.]
Will and James are still knocked out cold next to (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"you.")[=
<center>[(background:(gradient: 0, 0.2414,#e6d819,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.8097,#ffffff))[[GO FIND OUT WHAT THIS THING IS!]]</center>](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.70))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#ccc606)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'=><==')[The group thinks that it would be best to (text-style:"subscript","condense","fade-in-out")[''hide''] from this sketchy looking figure,]
in hopes that it didn’t already see (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"them.")[=
(align:'=><=')[You all walk back towards the (background:(gradient: 194, 0.1046,#91a7ff,0.5202,transparent,0.8919,#91a7ff))[river] (text-style:"subscript","shadow","blink")[quickly and quietly] as possible and try to hide in the shoreline. You’re all crouching together on the bank of this (background:(gradient: 194, 0.1046,#91a7ff,0.5202,transparent,0.8919,#91a7ff))[river],]
but you think to yourself, “What are we (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"forgetting?")[=
(align:'===><==')[Suddenly, you hear Fergus, (text-style:"wavy-underline","outline","rumble")[barking up a storm]! “Oh no! He’s gonna give us away!” said Emily. “He already has”, James says,]
watching the figure walk (text-size:1.1)[closer] and (text-size:1.3)[closer] through the (background:(gradient: 194, 0.1046,#165018,0.5202,transparent,0.8919,#10511a))[''thick forest''] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"brush.")[=
(align:'====>')[James loses sight of the thing. He starts to (text-style:"shudder")[panic], but before too long, the figure is standing right next to them. Everyone (text-style:"bold","wavy-underline","blur","shudder")[screams]!]
The thing does (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"nothing.")[=
Fergus runs up to it and lays down next to it. It just stands there (text-style:"blink")[starring] at the full (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"moon.")[=
(align:'=><====')[After about four minutes, the thing says (text-colour:#ff8787)[''“Hello, I am Larry. I live here. It is a beautiful night for a ride”'']. “Ride?”, questions Will.]
He pulls out his (text-style:"mark","fidget")[flashlight] to look at this Larry guy, but he was only half a (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"guy!")[=
(align:'=><=')[He was half horse too! (text-size:1.2)[“''(text-colour:#ff8787)[A centaur?!?]''”], the four of you exclaim. (text-colour:#ff8787)[“Yes”], Larry said. (text-colour:#ff8787)[“Now would you like to go for a (text-style:"outline","sway")[ride] with me?”],]
he asked in the calmest of (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"voices.")[=
[(text-colour:#fe0)+(background:(gradient: 221, 0.1046,#d50156,0.4895,transparent,0.8844,#d50156))[<center>[[GO FOR A RIDE]]</center>]]
[(text-colour:#fe0)+(background:(gradient: 221, 0.1046,#d50156,0.4895,transparent,0.8844,#d50156))[<center>[[STAY WHERE YOU ARE]]</center>]](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.65))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#fffb00)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'===><=')[The thing that brought you to this cave continues to walk towards you and your friends until it is standing right in front of you,]
underneath the (text-style:"smear")[(text-colour:cyan)[glowing]] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"river.")[=
(text-style:"shudder")[''“WHAT ARE YOU?!”''], you yell at the figure in a sudden moment of (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"rage.")[=
(align:'=><===')[It steps more into the glow, (text-style:"buoy")[revealing] a face. //''“I am Hecate”''//, it says.]
(text-colour:gray)+(background:#0d0a76)[''// "Greek goddess of witchcraft, the moon, the night, and//''] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"necromancy'.")[=
You yell again, (text-style:"wavy-underline","superscript","shudder")['WHY HAVE YOU BROUGHT US] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HERE?!?'")[=
(align:'====><=')[She says in a calm voice, (text-colour:gray)+(background:#0d0a76)[''//“You and all of your friends were drawn to that river by your (text-colour:orange)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.5,#000000,1,#e68019))[camp site], and if you hadn’t noticed, tonight there is a full moon. As soon as you all stepped into that river, a (text-style:"blur","fidget")[portal opened] to this magic cave, a portal which has not been opened for many centuries. By bringing you here, I have fulfilled one of my long overdue duties. But there’s more. Whoever is brought here is given a gift, a (text-style:"wavy-underline","superscript","blink")[magical power] if you will. All different. All very special. Each requiring a certain level a maturity and responsibility from the beholder. You will each discover what your power is by reaching into the stream. What happens up to you next, I cannot say. //'']]
(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"Good Luck!'")[=
(align:'===>')[And just like that, Hecate (text-style:"wavy-underline","subscript","smear","expand","buoy")[vanished]. You look to your right, and Will and James begin to wake. “What happened?” they ask. “I’m not really sure”, you reply. “To be honest, I’m extremely confused. Something about this cave and magic powers...]
(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"I think.'")[= "
<center>(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1626,#ffffff,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.9097,(hsl:0,0,1,0.5)))[[LET'S FIGURE THIS OUT]]</center>(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.70))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#00ff23)+(text-style:'shadow'))(align:'===><=')[“I think I’m gonna try to get into that (background:(gradient: 56, 0.2947,transparent,0.5,#1919e6,0.6302,(hsl:210,0.8039,0.5,0.95)))[river] (text-rotate-x:299)+(text-rotate-z:345)[above us]”, you tell Will and James. “That may be the only way out of this cave”.] James and Will watch as you (text-style:"wavy-underline","superscript","blur","expand","buoy")[jump up] to reach the river with complete (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"confusion.")[=
(align:'=><===')[After your sixth jumping attempt, you reach high enough to just barely touch the surface of the water. As soon as you touch the water, the river reveals a message. //''“Those who pass must be pure of heart. All else will perish”''//. Then, a riddle appeared. It read, (background:(gradient: 56, 0.2345,transparent,0.5,#19e5e6,0.8269,(hsl:210,0.8039,0.5,0.95)))[''“To leave,solve me: When you have me, you want to share me. When you share me, you don’t have me. What am I?”'']. James says “Oh! I heard this riddle back in school.]
The answer is a (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"secret!")[=
You and Will look at each other with worry, both hoping that he just said the correct (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"answer.")[=
Out of nowhere, the river (text-style:"wavy-underline","upside-down","fidget")[comes down] to each of you and carries your bodies up and out... you (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"think.")[=
(align:'=><=')[You all open your eyes and find yourselves in a dark room that seems to go on for (text-style:"fade-in-out")[infinity]. The only other thing in this room is a piece of paper that reads]
(text-colour:navy)+(background:#cbcaae)[//''“If you accept, no one can know, and it will change you at the start and as time moves''//] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"on.")[=
(align:'===><=')[You suddenly remember what Hecate said about “(text-style:"wavy-underline","subscript","shadow","expand","fidget")[magic powers]”. You say to your friends, “It’s talking about the powers. The magic powers. It’s almost as if this is a (text-style:"blink")[(text-colour:red)[warning]]”.]
James says, “What does it mean by change (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"us?...")[=
(text-style:"outline")[(text-colour:#00ff23)[<center>[[ACCEPT POWERS & CHANGES]]</center>]]
(text-style:"outline")[(text-colour:#00ff23)[<center>[[KEEP THINGS THE WAY THEY ARE NOW]]</center>]](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.70))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:orange)+(text-style:'shadow'))(align:'=><==')[You and your friends accept the terms, in hopes of receiving the powers. The three of you have managed to find your way back to the (text-colour:orange)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.5,#000000,1,#e68019))[camp site],]
and to Emily and (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"Fergus.")[=
(align:'===><=')[Emily told you that you were only gone for a minute. As everything stops (text-style:"wavy-underline","blur","expand","shudder")[spinning] from however you got back,]
you notice something isn’t (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"right.")[=
(text-style:"outline")+(text-size:1.3)[''YOU CAN’T SMELL''] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"ANYTHING!!!")[=
Will and James have also noticed that something is wrong with (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"them.")[=
(text-style:"outline")+(text-size:1.3)[''WILL CAN’T HEAR ANYTHING,''] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"and")[=
(text-style:"outline")+(text-size:1.3)[''JAMES CAN’T SEE''] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"ANYTHING!")[=
MAJOR (text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","rumble")[PANIC] SETS IN! (text-style:"superscript","blink")+(text-size:1.3)[''“WHAT HAVE WE DONE?”''] you shout.
(align:'=><=')[After many hours of hysteria, the group comes together and decides to figure out what their new powers are. Emily pulls a piece of paper out of Will’s pocket and says, “Guys, they told you. You don’t have to figure it out.”]
You and James pull pieces of paper out of your pockets (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"too.")[=
(align:'=><===')[Will’s reads (text-style:"shadow","fidget")[Telekinesis]. James’s reads (text-style:"italic","blur","sway")[Invisibility]. Yours reads]
(text-colour:green)[(text-style:"emboss","expand","fidget")[Chlorokinesis]] (the ability to mentally and physically (text-style:"blink")[summon], control and manipulate (background:(gradient: 64, 0,transparent,0.5,#04b904,0.9989,#0f6621))[plants] and (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"vegetation).")[=
(align:'====><=')[So the three of you have your powers, but you know what you have lost, you know what you will (text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","condense","buoy")[lose in the future],]
and you know that Emily isn’t supposed to know about your (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"powers...")[=
(text-colour:red)[Hecate appears, grabs her, and you never see her] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"again.")[=
[(background:(gradient: 310, 0.1046,#4f0377,0.5202,transparent,0.8919,#4f0377))[<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>]](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.80))(enchant:?link,(text-colour: magenta)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'=><=')[You and your friends discuss for a long time, and although it would be amazing to have (text-style:"wavy-underline","outline")[superpowers],]
you’ve decided that these changes are not something you want to (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"experience.")[=
(align:'=><===')[The (text-style:"smear")[(background:(gradient: 341, 0.1322,transparent,0.5207,transparent,0.9582,#000000))[dark room]] you were in somehow takes you back to your (text-colour:orange)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.5,#000000,1,#e68019))[camp site], to Emily and Fergus, who, by the way,]
said that the three of you were only gone for about a (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"minute.")[=
(align:'===><=')[The four of you notice pieces of paper in your pockets. They all say, (text-style:"wavy-underline","expand","sway")+(text-colour:#130269)+(background:(gradient: 341, 0.1322,#6cb7b7,0.5207,#1919e6,0.9582,#80bdf9))[''“Go for a swim...Just breathe”'']].
So, the group sets up camp for the night, then decides to go for a (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"swim.")[=
Hecate didn’t let you leave with nothing... (text-style:"double-underline")[ALL FOUR OF YOU CAN BREATHE] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"UNDERWATER!!!")[=
“Maybe it’s because we passed their test”, said Will. (text-colour:#130269)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1984,#b9d100,0.5207,#197fe6,0.7207,#b9d100))[“Anyways, don’t swim over that way...] (text-colour:#130269)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1984,#b9d100,0.5207,#197fe6,0.7207,#b9d100))+(text-style:"wavy-underline","emboss","expand","buoy")[I had to pee] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"again!")[=
[(background:(hsl:176,0.9899,0.6098,0.9))[<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>]](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.65))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:purple)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'=><=')[(text-colour:#ff8787)[“I am so glad that you want to go for a (text-style:"wavy-underline","buoy")[ride]!”],]
says Larry to the (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"group.")[=
(align:'====>')[James makes an excellent point by mentioning that there was no way we could all fit on Larry’s back. (text-colour:#ff8787)[“You are correct”], Larry says. (text-colour:#ff8787)[“I can only carry two at a time”].]
He does something completely (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"unexpected.")[=
(align:'=><=')[He took a (background:(gradient: 56, 0.2283,#8ce99a,0.4895,transparent,0.6551,#63e6be))[leaf] from the (background:(gradient: 248, 0.2283,#18a52d,0.4895,transparent,0.757,#186417))[plant] that was entangled all throughout his (text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","sway")[long locks of hair] and fed it to Fergus. Instantaneously, Fergus (text-size:1.1)[grew to] (text-size:1.3)[the exact] (text-size:1.5)[same size] as (text-size:1.6)[Larry]. ''“Fergus?!?”'', exclaimed James.] (background:(gradient: 248, 0,transparent,0.9989,#1919e6))[“What’s up dude!”], replied Fergus in an Australian (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"accent!")[=
(text-style:"double-underline","outline","fidget")[''“HE TALKS!”''], Will shouted. “...(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"awesome.")[=
''(text-colour:white)[So, you and Will hop onto Larry’s back, while James and Emily get onto Fergus’s back. (text-colour:#ff8787)[“Off we go!”] shouted Larry. He took off like a (text-style:"blur","expand","rumble")[bullet], way faster than expected. He took us down the side banks of the river, until we reached a] ''(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"waterfall.")[=
(align:'=><====')[Larry thinks it’s a good idea to cross it. He claims to have another (background:(gradient: 248, 0.2283,#18a52d,0.4895,transparent,0.757,#186417))[plant] that could make him and Fergus (text-style:"expand","buoy")[(text-rotate-x:44)+(text-rotate-z:345)[levitate]]. He ate some of the (background:(gradient: 248, 0.2283,#18a52d,0.4895,transparent,0.757,#186417))[plant], gave some to Fergus, and took off across the river.] However, he wasn’t (text-style:"strike","smear","buoy")[floating], and neither was (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"Fergus.")[=
(align:'===><=')[In fact, he was getting a little too close to that waterfall. (text-style:"fidget")[(text-colour:#ff8787)[“Why isn’t it working?”]], he bellows in a (text-style:"shudder")[panicked] voice. Just before we reach the edge of the waterfall ledge, Larry screams, (text-colour:#ff8787)[“It was the wrong one!”]. And as we (text-style:"smear")[(text-rotate-x:299)+(text-rotate-z:345)[fell]], straight for those pointy rocks, he realized, (text-colour:#ff8787)[“That was the plant for indigesti---”],]
You have been impaled.
<center>(background:(gradient: 174, 0,transparent,0.5,#1098ad,0.9989,#19e5e6))[[[THE END->Start]]</center>](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.65))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:green)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'===><=')[“I don’t know if a (text-style:"wavy-underline","blur","buoy")[ride] sounds super safe”, Emily utters. The rest of the group also agrees. “What if we just go for a (text-style:"underline","superscript","outline","sway")[walk] instead?”, asked Will. Everyone chimes in, all in agreement that a walk would be perfect.]
As you and your friends accompany Larry on this walk, it is quite clear to you that he knows a lot about the (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"area.")[=
(align:'=><===')[For starters, he tells you all about the local (background:(gradient: 64, 0,transparent,0.5,#04b904,0.9989,#0f6621))[plants] and the (text-style:"wavy-underline","fidget")[powers] that they possess, including the power to make you (text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","buoy")[levitate], causing things to (text-size:1.3)[grow in] (text-size:1.5)[size], and (text-colour:red)[(text-style:"outline","blink")[''x-ray vision'']]]
(but that one is really (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"rare).")[=
Larry also tells you about the water that (text-style:"wavy-underline","subscript","smear","sway")[flows down the river] and how it can create stones that allow the beholder to make a certain number of (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"wishes.")[=
(align:'=><=')[However, he warns the groups that there can sometimes be serious consequences when using them. “Things don't always go the way you plan”,] he (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"explains.")[=
(align:'===><=')[After about 45 minutes of walking, peeling your (text-style:"blink")[mesmerized eyes] away from the way Larry walks,]
you look (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"up.")[=
You are in an open field surrounded by trees, overflowing with (background:(gradient: 33, 0,transparent,0.5,#ffffff,0.9989,#888888))+(text-colour:purple)+(text-style:"shadow")[bright purple] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"flowers.")[=
Larry tells you all to stay put as he walks to the center of the field. You can’t believe your (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"eyes.")[=
(align:'====><=')[What had to be at least (text-size:1.3)[40 more centaurs] emerged from the tree line! One of the centaurs approaches your friends. It has to be (text-size:1.5)[twice the size of Larry!] “You are each one of us now”, says the centaur.]
Your friends look at him (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"puzzled.")[=
<center>(text-size:0.85)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#888888,0,#7f19e6,0.4734,#ae3ec9,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#e619e5,0.8395,#7f19e6,0.9885,(hsl:162,0.7238,0.6451,0.5),0.9991,#19e5e6,1,#ffffff))[[FIND OUT WHAT HE MEANS!]]</center>(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.80))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:green)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'===><=')[(text-style:"subscript")[“Ummm excuse me mister”], says Emily in a shy voice to the centaur. (text-style:"subscript")[“What do you mean we are each one of you?”], she asks.]
(align:'=><=')[“By (text-style:"wavy-underline","emboss","sway")[venturing through the thick wood] and coming to this field with Larry, who is already one of us, you have become a member of our heard”,]
the centaur (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"explains.")[=
(align:'=><===')[He tells you and your friends that it is customary to (text-style:"outline","blink")[bite] one of the (background:(gradient: 33, 0,transparent,0.5,#ffffff,0.9989,#888888))+(text-colour:purple)+(text-style:"shadow")[bright purple flowers] from the field when a new member joins the heard. All the centaurs (text-style:"smear","expand","fidget")[pick a flower] from the field.]
You and your friends follow by (text-style:"expand","fidget")[picking] your own (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"flowers.")[=
''“On the count of three”'', shouts the centaur. (link-reveal:"ONE...")[=, (link-reveal:"TWO...")[=, (link-reveal:"THREE!")[=
Everyone bites into their (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"flowers.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[“Hey! This is pretty good”, exclaims Will, probably out of hunger since they hadn’t eaten all day. Immediately after he says that, you drop your flower and feel something on your back.]
You reach to see what it is, and (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"shockingly,")[=
(text-colour:red)[''IT’S A TAIL!''] (text-colour:#f00)[(text-style:"double-underline","outline","shudder")[“WHAT THE HELL!”]], you shout. ''“WHY DO I HAVE A'' (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"TAIL?!?.")[=
(align:'=><=====')[The centaurs all chant together, ''//“Bite the flower, and the transformation begins”//''. You look over at your friends.]
They have tails too, but Will and James also have (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HORNS!")[=
(align:'==><=')[The entire transformation lasts about fifteen minutes and you don’t even feel a thing. “I guess we don’t really have a (text-style:"strike")[choice], now do we”, sighs James.]
(text-style:"wavy-underline","sway")[“The centaur life it ](t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"is...")[=
<center>(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#888888,0,#7f19e6,0.252,#80e619,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.7352,#80e619,0.8395,#7f19e6,0.9885,(hsl:162,0.7238,0.6451,0.5),0.9991,#19e5e6,1,#ffffff))[[[THE END->Start]]</center>](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.75))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#006400)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'=><===')[It’s getting (text-style:"double-underline","expand")[way] too dangerous to drive anyway.]
Emily pulls the truck off to the side of the road a good (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"bit.")[=
(align:'==><==')[The truck is covered by thick layers of (text-colour:(hsl:0,0.3497,0.3196,0.55))[''branches''] and (text-colour:(hsl:113,0.3986,0.2804,0.55))[''trees''], so the rain isn’t coming down as ''hard'' as it was on the road. The wind is (text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","sway")[howling] like crazy. Suddenly, you all hear a loud creaking sound coming from outside the car...]
there it is (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"again!")[=
(align:'=><===')[(text-style:"underline","outline","shudder")[''CRASH'']! Everyone shrieks with terror. A tree has fallen next to the truck,]
missing it by only a couple of (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"feet.")[=
(align:'=><===')[(text-style:"double-underline","outline","expand","rumble")[SLAM]! Another one falls right in front of the truck,]
blocking it (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"in.")[=
(align:'=><===')[“There’s no way we can get back on the road now!”, cries James. “Ok”, Will shouts over the (text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","expand","sway")[rustling wind]. “Everyone try to stay calm. We are blocked in by these trees and they’re falling all around us.]
We can either stay here in the truck until the storm calms down and hope we don’t get crushed by one of these massive trees, or we could try to make a run for it and find some other shelter in the (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"forest.")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''Neither of those are really great options''”, you add, “but let’s decide...''FAST''!”]
(text-colour:green)[<center>[[STAY IN THE CAR]]</center>]
(text-colour:green)[<center>[[MAKE A RUN FOR IT]]</center>](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.80))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:red)+(text-style:'shadow'))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#ff6b6b)+(text-style:'blur'))(align:'==><=')[That (text-style:"expand","rumble")+(background:black)[(text-colour:#495057)[storm]] is (text-style:"double-underline")[wayyy] too dangerous to be walking out in, and if you go out into that (text-colour:#0ca678)[forest] you could get lost. You might not even find any shelter, so basically, you’d have left the truck for nothing. Because of all this, you and your friends have decided that it’s probably best to just stay in the truck and (text-style:"fidget")[wait] out the (text-style:"expand","rumble")[(text-colour:#495057)+(background:black)[storm.]]]
With any luck, these (text-colour:#176432)[trees] won’t (text-style:"emboss","blink")[smash] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"you.")[=
(align:'=><===')[After about two hours of deep conversations, powernaps, and guessing games, the tree that was blocking the truck in started to (text-rotate-y:45)+(text-rotate-z:13)[slide down] the road. The water from the storm was powerful enough to make it budge.]
You can get back on the road and head towards the (text-colour:#f76707)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.5,#000000,1,#e68019))[camp site] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"now!")[=
(align:'====><=')[Emily starts up the truck and makes sure everyone is buckled up. There’s only one ''problem''... the inside of the car starts to fill with (text-colour:(hsl:0,0,0.5333,0.55))[smoke]! You try to open the doors to get out of the car, but they’re locked and the unlock button seems to be broken.]
You’re all stuck inside of the car, and now, you’ve passed (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"out!")[=
[(text-style:"blur")[(text-colour:#ff6b6b)[<center>[[WAKE UP!!!]]</center>]]](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.70))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:red)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'=><=')[“Obviously we need to make a (text-style:"fidget")[run] for it!”, screams Emily. “If we stay here, a tree will literally fall on our heads!”]
The four of you get out of the truck and make a run for (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"it.")[=
(align:'===><=')[While dodging (text-colour:#864141)[low branches], (text-colour:#0e5d11)[falling trees], and avoiding (text-colour:#868e96)[rocks] that are simply there to trip you,]
each of you are keeping an eye out for any type of shelter or cover to protect you from the (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"storm.")[=
(align:'=><===')[After running for what felt like an hour (although it was probably only 10 minutes), you look ahead of you and see that Will has stopped and is starring at something.]
He says (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"nothing.")[=
(align:'=><=')[You walk over to him to see what he is looking at. As you get closer, you realize he is standing on a ledge. You peer down into what appears to be a bottomless chasm.] It spans at least a quarter of a (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"mile.")[=
(align:'==><=')[As you all (text-style:"blink")[gaze] down, it seems as if something was (text-style:"blur","expand","fade-in-out")[floating up out of the chasm]. It takes a second to realize what it is,]
and then you see (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"it.")[=
(align:'=><=====')[''IT’S A HOUSE!'' (text-size:1.4)[A massive house...] that looks old and abandoned.]
“Well clearly that thing is (text-style:"sway")[haunted]”, says (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"Emily.")[=
Out of nowhere, a rope bridge appears, going from the ledge you and your friends are standing on all the way to this (text-style:"fade-in-out")[floating] (text-style:"fidget")[haunted house] in the middle of a (text-style:"shadow","expand")[(text-colour:#868e96)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.35))[bottomless chasm]] (just for (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"recap).")[=
(align:'=====><=')[This bridge doesn’t look too old, but if it does break, getting out of that bottomless pit might be a tad tricky.]
(text-style:"wavy-underline")[''“SOOOO, we are definitely going in there, right?”''] says James with a face full of (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"excitement.")[=
[(text-colour:black)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.2439,#af3131,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.7207,#9f1d1d))[<center>[[GO INSIDE THE HAUNTED HOUSE]]</center>]]
[(text-colour:black)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.2439,#af3131,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.7207,#9f1d1d))[<center>[[TURN AROUND & KEEP RUNNING]]</center>]](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.70))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:red)+(text-style:'outline'))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#fffb00)+(text-style:'blur'))(align:'==><=')[You and your friends begin to wake up. Fergus is also there.]
“Where are we?”, says Emily, (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"groggy.")[=
(align:'=><==')[Everyone gets up and begins to look around. It seems to be a single room, with no doors, and only one (text-colour:#d0ebff)[widow].]
You look out the (text-colour:#d0ebff)[window] and the room you’re in must be up at least (text-style:"shadow","expand","upside-down","blink")[(text-colour:#f1f3f5)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.35))[six stories]] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"high.")[=
(align:'====><=')[“Well what do we do now?”, asks Will, “because if you hadn’t noticed, I don’t think any of us have (text-style:"sway")[(text-colour:#fff3bf)[Rapunzel hair]] that will get us out of here.”]
You can see that the tower you’re in is attached to a (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"castle.")[=
(align:'=><====')[You continue to walk around the room looking for ways to possibly escape. Fergus is also (text-style:"smear","sway")[pacing the room].]
He keeps (text-style:"mirror","sway")[walking back and forth] over the same (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"floorboard.")[=
After a few minutes, he begins to dig at it like there is something there. James goes over to him and (text-style:"outline","upside-down","fidget")[bangs] on the board. “It’s (text-style:"emboss","expand","fade-in-out")[hollow] underneath!”, he (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"says.")[=
(align:'==><=')[You all try to lift the board out from the floor, and once it’s out of the way, you can see a (text-style:"buoy")[slide]. It looks very long and keeps going into the darkness. Obviously,you all decide to go down it because none of you want to stay trapped in that tiny room.]
After what felt like three whole minutes, you reach the end of the (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"slide.")[=
(align:'=><=')[You find a table in the center of a circular room. There is nothing else in this room.]
You walk over to the table to find three items and an instruction (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"card.")[=
[(text-colour:#0040ff)[(text-style:"blur","expand")[<center>[[READ THE CARD]]</center>]]]<center>Emily picks up the card and reads it aloud.
''//(text-style:"smear","expand")[“Welcome to my castle. Congratulations! You’ve solved part one of my puzzle. Now onto part two. On the table lies a sword covered in poison, a jar of white pickles, and a can of sprayable cement. Only one player will need to choose an item, and as soon as they pick it up the task will begin. Good Luck!"]//''</center>
“What kind of game is this?!”, Emily asks. “I don’t know, but I wanna get out of here, so let’s just get this over with”, you (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"reply.")[=
[(align:'===><====')[(text-colour:#7048e8)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.2439,#000000,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.8991,#ffffff))+(text-style:"outline")[[PICK UP THE SWORD]]]]
[(align:'=><=')[(text-style:"outline")+(text-colour:#c2255c)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.0098,#ffffff,0.5,#888888,0.8442,#ffffff,1,#ffffff))[[PICK UP THE WHITE PICKLES]]]]
[(align:'====><==')[(text-style:"outline")+(text-colour:#099268)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.2439,#000000,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.5,#888888,0.8991,#ffffff))[[PICK UP THE SPRAYABLE CEMENT]]]](enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.75)+(text-colour:white)+(background:(hsl:0,0.6382,0.3902,0.2)))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#fffb00)+(text-style:'smear'))''You have decided that the (background:(gradient: 0, 0.1767,#888888,0.5061,#000000,0.8265,#888888))[sword] will probably be the most useful for whatever comes next, so you are the one who picks it (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"up.")[=
(align:'=><==')[As soon as you do, a (text-colour:#7b5209)[trap door] (text-rotate-x:315)+(text-rotate-y:330)+(text-rotate-z:359)[(text-style:"wavy-underline","shadow","fade-in-out")[opens]] at your feet and the four of you fall through. You land on something (text-style:"buoy")[squishy] and rubbery. When you get up, you see a giant (text-colour:navy)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1003,#80e619,0.4931,#5c940d,0.8265,#80e619))[snake lizard monster] with (text-style:"mark","double-underline","blur","expand","shudder")[five heads]! You’re not worried... you got the poisoned (background:(gradient: 0, 0.1767,#888888,0.5061,#000000,0.8265,#888888))[sword] to protect you.]
In (link-reveal:"one")[=, (link-reveal:"two")[=, (link-reveal:"three")[=, (link-reveal:"four")[=, (link-reveal:"five")[= quick easy swipes, you chop off all its (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"heads.")[=
(align:'===>')[“Well that was easy”, you say. But then you turn around and somehow, the giant monster is still alive with (text-colour:#ff0)[ten heads] instead of five!
(text-size:1.5)[“HYDRA!”], you all shout. You remember seeing this monster from the Disney movie “Hercules”.]
Every time you (text-style:"underline","outline","fidget")[chop off ]one head, another two grow (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"back.")[=
(align:'=><====')[In complete shock, you struggle to lift the (background:(gradient: 0, 0.1767,#888888,0.5061,#000000,0.8265,#888888))[sword] in time to defend yourself. The monster leans over top of you, and with its tail, (text-style:"emboss","buoy")[throws] you and all your friends up into the air]
and swallows you (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"whole.")[=
(text-colour:#06067f)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1003,#e61919,0.4931,#e67700,0.8265,#e61919))+(align:'===><=')[You probably should’ve picked a different item off of that table because you are (text-style:"mark","strike","outline","blink")+(text-size:1.2)[100% dead] now.]
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>''(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.60))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#ffc200)+(text-style:'smear'))(align:'=><=')[“Why would there be (text-colour:#b5e684)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1517,#2f9e44,0.4443,#19e619,0.8991,#2f9e44))[pickles] on the table??”, asks James. “I have no clue”, you reply.]
(text-style:"subscript","shadow")[“Maybe that’s a good reason to pick them”], says Will, somewhat (t8n:"fade-left")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"hesitant.")[=
(align:'====><=')[You pick up the jar of (text-colour:#0f0)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1517,#ffffff,0.2405,#176926,0.8074,#ffffff))[white pickles], hoping, praying that you made an okay choice. As soon as you pick them up, a (text-colour:#7b5209)[trap door] (text-rotate-x:315)+(text-rotate-y:330)+(text-rotate-z:359)[(text-style:"wavy-underline","shadow","fade-in-out")[opens]] beneath you feet, and all four of you fall down into a (text-colour:#cece2c)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffe066,0.5441,#ffffff,1,#ffe066))[(text-style:"expand","blink")[brightly lit room]].]
You all land with a giant (text-style:"wavy-underline","blur","expand","mirror","buoy")[splash]. Good thing all of you can swim because this water (t8n:"fade-left")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"deep.")[=
(align:'=><==')[You’re (text-style:"sway")[treading water] and holding onto the jar of (text-colour:#b5e684)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1517,#2f9e44,0.4443,#19e619,0.8991,#2f9e44))[pickles]. After about 30 seconds you feel something (text-style:"wavy-underline","fidget")[swimming by your feet],]
and then it(text-style:"blink")[ pops its head up] out of the (t8n:"fade-left")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"water.")[=
(align:'===><=')[(text-size:1.2)[IT’S A MERMAID!!!] She says nothing but holds out her hand as if she were asking you for something. What could she possibly want that you have? Maybe she wants the (text-colour:#b5e684)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1517,#2f9e44,0.4443,#19e619,0.8991,#2f9e44))[pickles].]
(align:'=><====')[You put the jar into her outstretched hand. She smiles and tightly grabs your wrist. You hadn’t even noticed that three other mermaids had popped up next to all of your friends.]
They have a tight hold on your friends (t8n:"fade-left")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"too.")[=
(align:'=><=')[The one holding onto you says, (background:(gradient: 0, 0.1046,#66d9e8,0.4379,#1919e6,0.8817,#66d9e8))[(text-style:"superscript","expand","fade-in-out")[“Hold your breath!”]], in a calm tone. The mermaids (text-style:"italic","buoy")[drag] you and your friends down into the water. You’re really not quite sure what happened, but you think that the (text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","rumble")[swoosh of their tails] released some type of magic that allowed you to breathe underwater!] They drag you down for probably a half a mile! The further down you go, the more (background:(gradient: 0, 0.1046,#ffa8a8,0.4379,#ff0088,0.8817,#ffa8a8))[mermaids] there are. You can see the underwater city that they occupy. It is absolutely (t8n:"fade-left")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"phenomenal!")[=
<center>[[WHERE ARE YOU BEING TAKEN?]]</center>(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.60))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#ff6200)+(text-style:'smear'))You’ve never seen (text-colour:green)[(text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","expand","blink")[sprayable cement]] before and it sounds like a (text-size:1.15)+(text-style:"double-underline","outline")[''powerful''] weapon, so that’s what you grab off the (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"table.")[=
(align:'===><==')[As soon as you pick it up, a (text-colour:#7b5209)[trap door] (text-rotate-x:315)+(text-rotate-y:330)+(text-rotate-z:359)[(text-style:"wavy-underline","shadow","fade-in-out")[opens]] beneath your feet, and the four of you fall down, down, down, into this (text-style:"smear","expand","fade-in-out")[(text-colour:#d6d6d6)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.0582,#000000,0.4931,#adb5bd,0.8265,#000000))[deep dark hole]].]
You land on a nice comfortable (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"mattress.")[=
(align:'=><====')[It’s totally dark. You (text-colour:black)[(text-style:"blur","blink")[can’t see anything]], except for what looks like a (background:(gradient: 0, 0.1517,#000000,0.4362,#fcc419,0.8991,#000000))[(text-style:"buoy")[floating candle]]. It’s getting closer! It’s right in front of you! You’re holding out the can of sprayable cement when something claps its hands twice,]
and the (text-colour:black)+(background:#fff700)[lights come] (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"on.")[=
There is a (text-colour:red)[vampire] standing right in front of your friends. The classic pale, dark (text-style:"fidget")[flowing cape], fangs, and a devilish grin kind of vampire. As he (text-style:"sway")[circles] around your friends, you follow his (text-style:"shudder")[movement] with the spray can, arms (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"outstretched.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[Then, out of nowhere, he starts running at (text-style:"wavy-underline","shudder")[superspeed in circles] around all of you, slowly cutting off your air supply.]
You (text-style:"superscript","smear","fade-in-out")[spray the cement], but he is too (text-style:"rumble")[fast], and it’s not slowing him (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"down.")[=
(align:'=><===')[He stops running in circles, but you still can’t breathe. Will takes the spray can from you and puts cement all over the (text-colour:red)[vampire], trapping him against a wall.]
He is stuck, but he brakes (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"free.")[=
(align:'=><=')[He runs at (text-style:"shudder")[superspeed] again, this time, stopping right beside you. He ''bites your neck''! Then he bites all your friends necks too! Now you have to live out the rest of your days as a (text-colour:red)[vampire]...]
at least you have your (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"friends!")[=
(text-colour:#06067f)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1003,#e61919,0.4931,#e67700,0.8265,#e61919))+(align:'===><=')[You definitely should’ve picked something different off that table because you are about (text-style:"mark","outline","blink")+(text-size:1.2)[50% undead] now.]
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.70))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#ff00a6)+(text-style:'smear'))(align:'=><=')[You reach a cave. This cave isn’t entirely underwater. You thank the (background:(gradient: 0, 0.1046,#ffa8a8,0.4379,#ff0088,0.8817,#ffa8a8))[mermaids] when you get out of the water on to the ledge,]
and they take (t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"off.")[=
(align:'==><=')[Looking around for a way out, you find yourself standing underneath a (background:(gradient: 299, 0.1046,#000000,0.4927,#1919e6,0.8817,#000000))[hole]. This cave is shaped like a (text-style:"shudder")[volcano]!]
In the hole at the top, you can see the full (t8n:"slide-up")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"moon.")[=
(align:'=><==')[Suddenly, your body is hit with a (text-style:"superscript","blur","rumble")[gust of wind] from below and (text-style:"subscript","smear","rumble")[shoots you out] of the cave.]
Your friends follow your lead and exit the (t8n:"slide-up")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"cave.")[=
(align:'====><=')[Shockingly, it landed you right back at Emily’s truck, and Fergus is already there! “I guess the (text-colour:#b5e684)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0.1517,#2f9e44,0.4443,#19e619,0.8991,#2f9e44))[pickles] were a good choice!”,]
said Will, feeling proud of himself for suggesting to pick (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"them.")[=
(align:'=><===')[You get back into the truck and say to your friends, ''//“I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve gotten my fill of adventure. I’m perfectly okay if we head home.”//'']
They all felt the same (t8n:"fade-down")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"way.")[=
(align:'=><=')[Emily started the truck up, and (text-style:"outline","expand","fidget")[headed back home]. Little did the four know that by the next full moon, they would have the (text-style:"wavy-underline","outline","fidget")[powers] of mer-people.] Hopefully they avoid the (t8n:"fade-down")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"water!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.80))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:red)+(text-style:'smear'))Will and James, for some reason, are abnormally (text-style:"outline","expand","shudder")[excited] to go inside this scary (t8n:"slide-up")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"house.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[They start across the (text-style:"wavy-underline","emboss","sway")[rope bridge], you and Emily following them and taking your time. You look back to the cliff, thinking it might be a good idea to turn around, but the bridge is (text-colour:(hsl:0,0,0.5333,0.55))[(text-style:"fade-in-out")[vanishing]] behind you, still supporting itself somehow!]
It’s like it’s (text-style:"buoy")[levitating] as a part of the (t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"house.")[=
(align:'=><=')[You manage to make it all the way across the bridge, leaving the four of you on the front porch of this mansion.]
Will knocks on the door, which you hear echo throughout the entire (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"chasm.")[=
<center>[[WHAT'S INSIDE?]]</center>(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.70))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:purple)+(background:gray)+(text-style:'smear'))(align:'=><=')[There is absolutely (background:(hsl:0,0.8039,0.5,0.35))[''NO WAY IN HELL''] you are crossing this sketchy rope bridge just to go into a haunted house.]
You all decide to turn around, but the ground is beginning to (text-style:"rumble")[rumble](t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"...")[=
(align:'=><==')[“What was that??”, you all say in unison. In the distance, you can see that the ground is evaporating into thin air, and if you don’t move,]
''YOU’RE GONNA DISAPPEAR'' (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"TOO!")[=
(align:'=><=')[You all start sprinting along the side of the chasm, trying to stay as far ahead of it as possible.]
''“DON’T LOOK BEHIND! JUST KEEP RUNNING!”'', you scream at as loud as you (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"can.")[=
(align:'=><===')[Before you realize it, the four of you are brought to an immediate halt, not because you stopped running,]
but because something stopped you in your (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"tracks.")[=
You find yourselves (text-style:"buoy")[floating on a cloud] as (text-colour:white)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.35))[dark] as the abyss, and when you look up, there is a figure (text-style:"fade-in-out")[glaring] down at (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"you.")[=
(align:'===><=')[“I am Tartarus”, the figure says with a (text-style:"emboss","rumble")[booming voice.]]
“I am the Ancient Greek God of the deep abyss, the pit that lies deep within the (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"underworld.")[=
“I thought Tartarus was a place”, says Will unphased. “Yea!”, chimes in James, “like from that Percy Jackson (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"movie!")[=
(align:'=><===')[(text-style:"shudder")[“WRONG!”] he says in his echoey voice. “I am Tartarus, you fools, and I have a little friend I want you to meet.]
Since you watched those stupid Percy Jackson movies, you should know all about her”, he says with a (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"chuckle.")[=
(align:'==><=')[(text-style:"outline","expand","fidget")[''“IT’S MEDUSA!”''], screams James.]
“''SHUT YOUR (text-style:"expand","blink")[EYE]-'' (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"...")[=
“I guess they should’ve paid more attention to those movies”, said (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"Tartarus.")[=
[(text-style:"smear","expand")[(text-colour:#f00)[<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>]]]''(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.75)+(background:(hsl:51,1,0.5,0.4))+(text-colour:#001174))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#290073)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'=><==')[The (text-style:"double-underline")[double doors] (text-style:"blur","fade-in-out")[creak open], just wide enough for you all to squeeze through. Entering the house in utter amazement, you (text-style:"shadow","shudder")[freeze], until you hear the doors close.]
You all turn to look, but no one is (t8n:"slide-up")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"there!")[=
(align:'====><=')[When you turn back around, you lift your foot to take a step forward, but you pause.]
“Did you guys hear that?”, asked (t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"James.")[=
(align:'====><==')[(text-style:"subscript")[“Oi!”] came a sound from below you, louder than the time before. “I definitely heard it that time”, you reply.]
You look down and surrounding your feet is a group of at least 20... Ummmm... (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"things.")[=
“Hi, excuse me, what are you?”, James (t8n:"slide-up")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"asks.")[=
(align:'==><==')[(text-style:"subscript")[(text-style:"rumble")[“We’re the mighty leprechaun clan of] (text-size:1.2)[Maverick House”]], they all replied. (text-style:"subscript")[“I’m Angus”], says the one in the front in a severely strong Irish accent,(text-style:"subscript")[“and although we may not look like much to ye, we are fearsome!]
The four of ye have entered Maverick House of yer own choosin’, and the only way you’ll ever be escapin’ us is if ye surrender ](t8n:"slide-left")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"something.")[=
“Ok, what is it?”, you ask (t8n:"fade-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"calmly.")[=
(align:'=><===')[“I'll give ye a choice. YOU!” He points to you.]
“Choose either yer pointer finger or yer middle finger to be (text-colour:red)[cut] (t8n:"slide-down")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"off!")[=
[[NOW WHY WAS THAT NECESSARY?]]</center>]''''(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.75)+(background:(hsl:51,1,0.5,0.4))+(text-colour:#02099c))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#9b015c)+(text-style:'outline'))(align:'<===')[(text-style:"subscript")[“You aren’t supposed to be knowin’ this, but I’m gonna tell ye anyways. You’re all inside of a story right now. Someone is (text-style:"wavy-underline","fidget")[controlling] all yer actions. To make things a wee bit more interesting, I had ye chop off a finger because somewhere in the future of this story, there will be another hard choice for ye to make.]]
(align:'==><==')[(text-style:"subscript")[Dependin’ on the finger that ye (text-style:"outline","expand","blink")[chopped off], you will be limited in the choice ye make. If ye chopped of yer pointer finger, ye will not be able to choose the first option. If ye chose yer middle finger, ye will not be able to choose the second option.]
I hope that ye chose] (t8n:"slide-up")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"wisely.")[=
(align:'===><=')[And just like that, the entire group disappeared, and the four of you were alone in the foyer.]
“They shoulda just stayed on their little (background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.2534,#e5e619,0.5,#19e619,0.7694,#1919e6,1,#e619e5))[Lucky Charms] boxes”, says James (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"annoyed.")[=
<center>[[...AND CONTINUING YOUR OWN PLOT...]]</center>''(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.80))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:red)+(text-style:'smear'))(align:'==><==')[The foyer begins to fill with (text-colour:(hsl:0,0,0.5333,0.55))[smoke], but there is nowhere to run to!]
“Where’d you guys go?!”, yells Emily lost in the (t8n:"slide-up")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"smoke.")[=
(align:'===><=')[You wake up from what feels like the best nap you’ve ever taken in your life. You are at the end of a long (text-style:"shadow")[(text-colour:(hsl:0,0,1,0.55))+(background:black)[dark hallway]] with old lamps on the wall. Emily, James, and Will are all next to you.]
Out of nowhere, a booming voice (t8n:"fade-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"says,")[=
''I’M (text-style:"shudder")[EXCITED] SO YOU BETTER BE ''(t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"TOO!")[=</center>
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-style:"emboss","rumble")[SHIT]''!”, yells Will, “This sounds like the stupidest way to die...death by trivia?]
I mean, what the hell is (t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"that?!?!")[=
<center>[[START THE GAME]]</center><center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d90556))(text-style:"buoy")+(text-size:0.80)[“REMEMBER WHEN YOU HAD TO CUT OFF A FINGER? WELL, ON THIS QUESTION, IF YOU CUT OFF YOUR POINTER FINGER, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHOOSE THE FIRST OPTION!”]
(t8n:"fade-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"LET'S GO!")[=</center>
(text-colour:#d90556)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.3))[''“QUESTION 1: WHAT IS THE LARGEST FRESHWATER LAKE IN THE WORLD?”'']
Is it…
<center>(text-style:"wavy-underline")[[The Great Salt Lake]]</center>
<center>(text-style:"wavy-underline")[[Lake Superior]]</center>
<center>(text-style:"wavy-underline")[[Great Bear Lake]]</center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT.]]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center><center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#ff6a00)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.3)))(text-style:"buoy")+(text-size:0.80)+(text-colour:#ff6a00)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.3))[''“QUESTION 2: HOW MANY RINGS MAKE UP THE SYMBOL OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES?”'']
(text-style:'outline')[Is it...]</center>
(text-style:"emboss","sway")+(align:'===>')[[FIVE]]</center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT.]]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT.]]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT.]]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center><center>(enchant:?passage, (background:(hsl:120,0.8039,0.5,0.5))+(text-style:"outline"))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#8554b2)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.3))+(hover-style:(text-colour:'#ffcf0a')))(text-style:"sway")+(text-size:0.80)+(text-colour:#8554b2)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.3))[''“QUESTION 3: WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE VEHICLE SCOOBY DOO & THE GANG DRIVE AROUND IN?”'']
(text-style:'sway')+(text-colour:#8554b2)[Is it...]</center>
<center>(text-style:"wavy-underline","outline")[[The Mystery Mini-Van]]</center>
<center>(text-style:"wavy-underline","outline")[[The Mystery Mobile]]</center>
<center>(text-style:"wavy-underline","outline")[[The Mystery Machine]]</center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT.]]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT.]]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center><center>(enchant:?passage, (background:(hsl:124,0.5962,0.2039,0.45))+(text-style:"blur"))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#007a0c)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.3))+(hover-style:(text-colour:'#7a0078')))(text-style:"sway")+(text-size:0.80)+(text-colour:#007a0c)+(background:(hsl:0,0,0,0.3))[''“QUESTION 4: WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE PLANT THAT [KOALA BEARS](click-append:'KOALA BEARS',(text-colour:magenta)+(background:yellow))[(dialog:'<img src="https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/464739149.jpg.resize.710x399.jpg">')] EAT?”'']
(text-colour:white)+(text-style:'outline')[Is it...]</center>
<center>(text-style:"wavy-underline")[[Tea Tree Leaves]]</center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT.]]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:gray)+(background:#0d0a76))(text-style:"buoy")+(text-size:0.80)+(text-colour:#dae100)+(align:'=><=')[''“HEY! REMEMBER WHEN YOU HAD TO CUT OFF A FINGER? WELL, ON THIS QUESTION, IF YOU (text-colour:red)[CUT OFF] YOUR (text-colour:navy)[MIDDLE FINGER], YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHOOSE THE SECOND OPTION! AND DON’T WORRY... I SAVED THE (text-style:"fidget")[HARDEST QUESTION FOR LAST]!”'']
<center>(text-colour:#0d0a76)+(background:(hsl:0,0,1,0.05))[''“QUESTION 5: WHICH COUNTRY MUSIC ARTIST SANG THE SONGS ‘Does to Me’, ‘Hurricane’, ‘Beautiful Crazy’, & ‘When It Rains It Pours’?”]</center>
(text-size:0.70)+(text-colour:#dae100)+(align:'===><=')[I'LL EVEN GIVE YOU FACES. CLICK EACH NAME ONCE FOR IMAGES, AND THEN MAKE YOUR CHOICE...'']
<center>(text-colour:white)[Is it...]</center>
<center>(text-style:"wavy-underline")[[Luke Combs]] (click-append:'Luke Combs')[(dialog:'<img src="https://etcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/shutterstock_editorial_10228952bl_huge.jpg?quality=80&strip=all&w=605">')]
(text-style:"wavy-underline")[[Luke Bryan]](click-append:'Luke Bryan')[(dialog:'<img src="https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/gettyimages-821462964-493eb40d-9308-4a0b-8adc-af4aa8825526.jpg?resize=1800,1200&w=450">')]
(text-style:"wavy-underline")[[Morgan Wallen]](click-append:'Morgan Wallen')[(dialog:'<img src="https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.uREukiNQY9TElBdkldReVAHaFS?pid=ImgDet&rs=1">')]</center>
(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT.]]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.65)+(text-colour:black)+(background:(hsl:180,1,0.7294,0.4)))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#ff00a6)+(text-style:'shadow')+(background:black))(align:'=><=')[''“CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ALL (text-style:"wavy-underline")[PASSED] MY TEST! BECAUSE YOU ARE SORT OF SMART, I AM GOING TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A (text-colour:(hsl:300,0.8039,0.5,0.55))[GIFT]. YOU MIGHT WANT IT, YOU MIGHT NOT! TO BE HONEST, I DON’T REALLY CARE. YOU’RE NOT LEAVING WITHOUT IT THOUGH."'']
(align:'===><=')[Will shouts out into the (text-colour:(hsl:0,0,0.5333,0.55))+(background:black)[dark] nothingness of the hallway, “What do you mean goodb---!”.]
And then, somehow, you were all on the front porch (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"again.")[=
(align:'=><===')[“Where’s the gift he was talking about?”, you ask. Then, you look to your right. ]
Emily, looking absolutely (text-style:"smear","fidget")[terrified], is holding a (text-colour:#00ff40)[(text-style:"rumble")[''vibrant''] ''green''] (text-style:"superscript","emboss","expand")[dragon] in her (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"hands!")[=
(align:'======><=')[(text-style:"subscript")[“Oi!”], you hear from down below again. It’s Angus and his clan of leprechauns. (text-style:"subscript")[“Ye be careful with that one. He’s a real (text-style:"buoy")[arsonist]...] ]
(text-style:"subscript")[oh and he’ll eat all yer shoes if ye let] (t8n:"slide-left")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"em'!")[=
(align:'=><===')[You find your way off the (text-style:"sway")[levitating] piece of (text-colour:grey)[rock], and back to Emily’s truck. ]
Something had moved the (text-colour:#3c6930)[trees] that (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"fall!")[=
<center>(text-style:"wavy-underline","outline","fidget")[''“I DO NOT WANT ANY MORE SURPRISES, so LET’S GOOOO!”''], you say, pushing and shoveling everyone else into the (t8n:"slide-down")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"truck.")[=
“HEY!'' My finger’s back!''”, you say, shocked. You find your way to the (text-colour:orange)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.5,#000000,1,#e68019))[camp site], and have a normal, enjoyable rest of your trip!... well, except for the (text-style:"superscript","shudder")[dragon].</center>
He ate one of your (t8n:"fade-down")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"shoes...")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>
(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT].]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>(enchant:?link,(text-colour:#d5d500)+(text-style:'smear'))(text-size:0.80)+(align:'===>')[“WHAT A TRAGEDY... (text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"outline")[YOU DIED!] OH WELL, I GUESS YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN SCHOOL LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!]
...they all (t8n:"slide-right")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"escaped...")[=
(align:'=><===')[“''(text-colour:#fa5252)[BUT WAIT!...]''
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"MAVERICK HOUSE.")[=
(align:'=====><=')[YOU CAN GO WHEREVER YOU’D LIKE, BUT I WOULD PERSONALLY (text-style:"mark","wavy-underline","condense")[AVOID THE DINO DRAGON IN THE BASEMENT.]]
HAPPY (t8n:"zoom")+(t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"HAUNTING!")[=
<center>[[THE END->Start]]</center>(enchant:?passage,(text-size:0.75))(enchant:?link,(text-colour:orange)+(text-style:'shadow'))(align:'=><==')[You think the elk had gigantic fangs and (text-style:"underline","blur","blink")[six legs]? Well hopefully you’re not (text-style:"wavy-underline","superscript","mirror","fidget")[losing your mind]! Thankfully, Emily (text-style:"italic","shadow","condense","sway")[swerved] to the right of it and everyone was okay.]
James is almost positive he saw the thing (text-style:"blur","buoy")[vanish into thin air], so maybe you’re not the only one losing their (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"mind...")[=
(align:'===><==')[The group makes it to the (text-colour:orange)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.5,#000000,1,#e68019))[campground]. You find your reserved space which is a fair ways away from any other camp site.]
Since it’s so (text-colour:#103e0f)+(background:(gradient: 200, 0.1046,#105c15,0.4927,(hsl:135,0.809,0.3902,0.95),0.8817,#0c5511))[heavily forested], it feels like the four of you and Fergus are there all by (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"yourselves.")[=
(align:'<===')[You take a quick look around and find a (background:(gradient: 200, 0.1046,#74c0fc,0.5202,transparent,0.8817,#74c0fc))+(text-style:"wavy-underline","smear","expand","sway")[large flowing river] right behind your camp site. For some reason, it felt as if the water was drawing you to it. All four of you walk into the water and walk right back out. It was like you didn’t have control of your bodies.]
“Weird!” you all say (t8n-time:1s)+(link-reveal:"simultaneously.")[=
(align:'=><=')[You walk back to the (text-colour:orange)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#e61919,0.5,#000000,1,#e68019))[camp site] and it almost feels as if the entire location is an (text-rotate-x:21)+(text-rotate-y:331)+(text-rotate-z:47)[(text-style:"shadow","shudder")[abandoned]] place.] But wait! Will said he saw a (text-style:"subscript","blur","expand","fade-in-out")[dark figure] in the
<img src= "https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.08640dadc95091c4fe47ef1e16207f2f?rik=Q%2bimiWVrfbj1QA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.doityourselfrv.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2015%2f10%2f1380759_10153419205675221_1792397718_n.jpg&ehk=Y62tEa6wBKSIQEB8WOwefjARLwLe4UzLYxDZF3i2pU0%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0">]]
[(background:(gradient: 310, 0.1046,#4f0377,0.5202,transparent,0.8919,#4f0377))[<center>[[GO TALK & INVESTIGATE]]</center>]]
[(background:(gradient: 310, 0.1046,#4f0377,0.5202,transparent,0.8919,#4f0377))[<center>[[HIDE & HOPE IT DOESN'T SEE YOU]]</center>]]